Fremont Street Easter Egg: The Escalator Cam at The D Las Vegas

We love Eater eggs! You know, those surprising inside references you typically find in video games or movies.

Well, downtown’s got its fair share of Easter eggs, too. One of our favorites is at The D Las Vegas, formerly Fitzgerald’s, if you know where to look.

If you take the escalator down from The D’s vintage Vegas second floor (the machines take and pay coins!), keep your eyes peeled for a tiny camera pointing your way.

The d easter egg
Say “cheese”! Or, since you’re at the d, and american coney island restaurant is right downstairs, say “chili cheese fries. ”

That’s not really the Easter egg, though.

You have to wait for it.

When you get to the bottom of the escalator, take a peek at the very last video screen. It’s you, getting onto the escalator a few moments before! Las Vegas magic, baby.

Here’s The D’s Easter egg in real time.

Now you know! Check it out the next time you’re a The D Las Vegas.

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