Opinions about cigar-smoking vary widely, but for many, cigars are an integral part of the Las Vegas experience.
Binion’s Las Vegas has responded to that sensibility with a new cigar lounge.
The new cigar lounge at Binion’s is a clever solution to a time-honored problem. How do you give cigar-smokers what they want while avoiding head-butting with diners in an adjoining restaurant? Easy: Give cigar lovers their own enclosed lounge, complete with cushy leather furniture and TVs for sports fans.
Now, diners can enjoy some of the best BBQ in downtown Las Vegas at Benny’s Smokin’ BBQ & Brews, and cigar smokers can lance and bouquet to their hearts’ content. Harmony. It’s a thing.
Astute Las Vegas aficionados will note a wink to Binion’s owner Terry Caudill adorning a wall of the cigar lounge (photo below).
Caudill is a cigar enthusiast, so staffers thought they’d make his caricature part of the decor.
In addition to Binion’s regulars, Binion’s plans to make the new cigar lounge available to those who want to reserve it for private parties such as bachelor parties and sports-centric gatherings.
The new Binion’s cigar lounge seems a great fit for this old-school casino in downtown Las Vegas. Some cigar fans bemoaned the elimination of cigar-smoking when the BBQ restaurant opened, so now they’ll get their chance to support the new lounge in all its dark-wood-and-leather glory.
Binion’s is truly an only-in-Vegas landmark, and the classic casino continues to add new offerings to the downtown mix. Learn more about Binion’s Las Vegas, and “like” the Binion’s Facebook page. It’s one of the most lively and entertaining of any casino in town.
Do you sell cigars there as well, or do we bring our own, and if you sell them what brands do you have in Humidor. Thank you, Bob
The lounge itself doesn’t sell cigars, but the cigar store nearby should fit the bill. Vato Cigars.
Can you have food in there? Are there bartop VP machines? I used to enjoy playing video poker in the bullpen when it was cigar friendly.
Yes, you can have food in the cigar lounge, but the bartop video poker machines are in the main restaurant, so you can’t both play and cigar.
Is your cigar lounge still open ? Staying downtown in November and hope to stop by.
As far as we know, it’s still open!