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Research Reveals the Coolest Spot in Downtown Las Vegas

Four Queens

When you're in the right spot, you'll know it.

Extensive, years-long (but highly questionable) research has determined the single coolest spot at Fremont Street Experience, and possibly all of downtown Las Vegas.

Why “questionable”? Because the “research” basically involved us walking up and down Fremont Street Experience trying to find the coolest spot.

Dubious research methods aside, where’s the coolest spot on Fremont Street? Answer: Just inside the door at the Four Queens casino.

In time, you’ll thank us for this blog post. Just wait.

During a recent five-minute span, on a 109-degree day, we saw no fewer than five Las Vegas visitors stop at precisely this spot, reveling in the Artic blast, commenting, “This has got to be the coolest place in Las Vegas.”

If you’re a Fremont Street regular, you already know what we’re talking about!

Here’s a short video of the spot in question. Hint: Keep an eye on the tablecloth.


Sweet relief!

It’s always cooler under the Viva Vision’s shade at Fremont Street Experience, but summertime temps in Sin City can still take their toll. A stop at Four Queens can solve that problem, and thankfully, the coolest spot in Las Vegas also happens to be five feet from a Four Queens bar, stocked with frosty beverages which can also help with the summer heat. We’re just saying.

Is there anything Las Vegas can’t do?

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